I've finally got all the pieces in place and can tell the WHOLE story.
This is how it all started. On Saturday mornings, I like to sit, have coffee and read the paper. I was born and raised in Hamilton so I like to read what's going on once in a while. This particular Saturday had a special 64 page insert, "Hockey & Hamilton". This included stories on all the teams that played out of Hamilton, Hamilton born NHL players and the one memorable game played at Copps Coliseum, 87 Canada Cup.
The last page had this ad for a contest to win tickets to a meet and greet with Wayne Gretzky.
We all know how that turned out as attested to by this ad.
Ticket where I was sitting with The Hamilton Spectator, staff, one of the media sponsors and contest holder.
Font and back of the VIP pass out of the lanyard.

Commemorative program
From the goodie bag, Fox 40 whistle, toque and (not shown) chocolate puck.
Everyone got one of these at their seat.
As this was a charitable event, here are the silent auction items.
Ice sculpture as we entered the building.
Me with The Canada Cup trophy.
Here's a short video from the venues Facebook page
Carmens Banquet Centre
Of course, the evening would be incomplete for me without some autographs.
Three Coffeys
Three Killers
Three Captain Crunchs
Three Duckys
Remember, always bring your index cards. You just never know.
One Bruise. Former NHL'er Steve Staois, president of the Hamilton Bulldogs
One Chicken. HHOF 2013 Hayley Wickenheiser.
After a fine dinner, great company and the Q & A session with the guests, it was meet and greet time.
But for me, it was not to be.
Gretzky out of steam. Yup, I was one of the 18 who did not get a photo with The Great One. When I go to the hotel across the parking lot where it was held, I couldn't get into the room as "they were at capacity". There were like 5 or six people ahead of me waiting. Then a muffled announcement that Wayne had to leave.Of course, then the place starts to clear out. I did have the opportunity to get this photo taken.
Wendel is going to be in town signing on November 18th. Hoping to get this done.
Now since I didn't pay for the tickets, I couldn't get a refund.I thought I was SOL.
Then Sherry called from The Spec and wanted to find out how things went. I told her my sad tale and she said she would see if they could do anything. No promises. Then she called back and said they could send me this
I've got this now in hand and have a Great story to go along with it.
You Gretzky autograph collectors recognize this Gretzky signature. I guess he was feeling "ill" hmm--do I see NO 99 Red Cask Whiskey.
I would like to thank The Spectator for this contest and me winning. It was a blast and even though it didn't go exactly as planned, I had a wonderful experience.
Now that I've won a couple of big things recently, must be time to buy some lottery tickets. Maybe if I win the big one, I can have my own personal meet and greet with Wayne. I can dream.