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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Oot and Aboot--First in a Series

"Coo loo coo coo, coo coo coo coo"

Welcome to the Great White North aka Kanadian Korner. 

I don't think I or anyone I know pronounces it aboot but what the hey. Labor, labour, neighbor, neighbour. I think the only time I worry about the "u" in cards is I will pick up Brodeur cards. I will stay away from Broder cards. And if you're too young to get the reference, that would be a good thing.

In this new series of occasional posts, I will showcase something sports related here aboot in the City of Brantford.

 On Saturday Nov. 22nd, I attended the grand re-opening of the Brantford and Area Sports Hall of Recognition. This is located in the Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre, which I wrote about here.

Everyone who wanted could have a picture taken as a memento. These were compliments of Sports Express, a community magazine.

I had Brantford's Lord Mayor, possibly Canada's most famous father, Walter Gretzky sign this book for me. As you can see, it is an uncorrected  proof special preview copy. I  picked this up shortly after this was sent out to a radio station for review. Wally asked me where I wanted it signed. He dated it without me asking.

As per his usual custom, Walter also gave out these autographed personalised notepad sheets.

A lot of the inductees into the Hall were in attendance.  Some are local sporting figures like Ron Finucan, Rick Manned and Wayne Osborne. Brad Merril was there representing his father Frank Merrill. Two CFL alumni in Roy Kurtz and Al Moffat. These were some CIC's I printed up beforehand and got signed.

Representing the inductees was former NHL'er Pat Hickey. I had him sign this CIC I made.

Entranceway to the Hall.

 On the bench in front. a statue of a girl putting on her skates. There were more than a few pictures taken with someone sitting beside her.

Some of the estimated 1000 people who were there for the opening.

Each display case had the individual pieces numbered with a matching descriptive on the attached information board. Here, for example, the Boston jersey would be number 1 and the corresponding number would say Stan Jonathon jersey with a short story.

Here, football is represented by a Roy Kurtz CFL jersey and a Nick Kaczur Patriots jersey.

Of course, there is a huge focus on The Great One. Some sticks, helmet ,glove and autographed team jacket.

Miniature trophies that he won during his career.

Jerseys from his different teams.

More jerseys.

More assorted items.

Jerseys and equipment from his young years.

Story in community newspaper on the event.

Stay tuned for the next installment.

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